5 things I learned during expanding my comfort zone

Chitvan Mittal
3 min readJan 7, 2021
Image: Gelgas Airlangga

As the world continues to grapple with a global pandemic, many of us have been forced to re-evaluate various aspects of our lives. With the social and professional norms changing rapidly, individual and societal efforts are experimenting with new and creative ways to operate in this new normal. Lately, I have been thinking about how comfortable I had become with my routine activities and have been operating on an auto pilot mode. With similar past realizations, I know it’s the perfect time to make changes and expand my comfort zone. Here are 5 things that I have learned in the past during this process:

  1. Deep down, you already know something needs to change

You know, that constant nagging feeling which grows stronger with time, as you try to push it back. It could be anything, from addressing an ignored issue or an emotion, to including healthier choices throughout the day. We tell ourselves that we are busy or that it’s not important. I often find that suppressing an issue that warrants our attention has a way of coming back until we can no longer ignore it. What’s that one thing that you have been putting off that you know needs to be resolved? I guarantee you already know the answer. Our minds are experts in telling us lies. Realizing that nothing is perfect can be so liberating and often gives me that extra push to just get started. Besides, we can always learn and improve along the way.

2. Some soul searching and researching can bring back the focus

Congrats for deciding to make a change! It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed when you are listing out the first step. I often tend to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives to spend some quality time with myself. This simple act can often bring back some focus to my thinking and filter out the noise. Prefer something else instead? Simply researching online can also be a great tool in planning a strategy.

3. High five yourself for getting started! You are already winning

Deciding and getting started always brings a big smile on my face. It doesn’t matter if I don’t see the results immediately. The pure excitement of exploring something new can feel so refreshing! For many of us, getting started can be the most challenging thing (see point 2), and overcoming that initial roadblock is worth a celebration.

4. It’s never meant to be a competition

As cliched as it sounds, the only person you are competing with is yourself. An important reminder is that a positive change, no matter how big or small, is a change, nevertheless. And that means that you are already better than before. I also find that when I join a group of people with similar goals, it gives me a big boost of energy and enthusiasm to stay on track. Just keep in mind that it’s never a competition with others, but only yourself.

5. Lastly, don’t forget to take breaks along the way

As you are enjoying your new journey and results, don’t forget to celebrate along the way. And if you deviate or get sidetracked (we all do at some point), be kind to yourself and jump back in.

We often hear about getting out of our comfort zones but to me, we simply expand the boundaries of it.

How are you expanding your comfort zone today?



Chitvan Mittal

Science advocate | Food lover | Let’s connect and learn from each other